Sex, when is the right time?

To wait or not to wait that is the question. When is the right time to have sex? This question comes up in all relationships. What is the answer? "Only you can decide when the time is right for you, whether it's a month or a year, that shouldn't matter as much as what are the feelings for each other. Just letting the moment take place on it's own. " says Becca, 18. "If you have to ask when is the right time, then more than likely, you're not ready," says Sarah, 17. While the decision is up to you, many other things can affect your decision to have sex, let's take a look at them.

Sex isn't just physical. It has an emotional side to it, which many teenagers overlook. This shows that they are not mature enough to handle sex. Before you have sex you should ask yourself a series of serious questions.

Am I ready for sex?
Do I know everything that could potentially happen?
Do I love this person and do they love me?
What form of protection should I use?
Do I know this person's sexual history?
How will this affect our relationship?

Peer pressure
Peer Pressure often leads to immature behavior and is to blame for many forms of destructive behavior such as smoking, drinking, drug use, and sexual activity. Peer pressure can also come in different forms -- friends, music, and television. Many teens say that they had sex because they thought everyone else was doing it, but in all actuallity, they weren't. "I had sex at 13 years old. I thought all my other friends had already had sex, so I wanted to have sex so I wouldn't feel different." says Anne, now 16. Don't have sex just because you think everyone else is doing it. Do it because it's right for you.

Sexual desire is something everyone has, and it is normal and healthy. The sex drive keeps the human race going, and it helps decide your personality. But when you get a sexual desire, do you have to go out and have sex? No, one interesting fact about sexual desire is it obeys the brain. Each person can control his/her sexual urges. Here are some ways you can handle desires:

1. Masturbation
2. Make an agreement with yourself that you won't have sex, and make an agreement with your partner that there
    won't be sex in the relationship.
3. Avoid tempting situations. Don't get yourself into sexual situations. This is where many teens find themselves,
    and they don't know how to handle the situation.
4. Become involved in sports, clubs, or volunteer activities. If you spend your time doing constructive things,
    you won't have time to think about sex.

If you do choose to be sexually active, you need to consider birth control methods. There are many birth control methods out there today, talk with your doctor to get help deciding which is the best method for you.

And if you decide to have sex, remember make it your decision, not your partners, friends, or parents decision. "Sex is something serious and plays a big part in your life," reminds Sarah," so make the best of it."