Study Group Openings

Brandeis National Committee - San Fernando Valley Chapter


September, 2023

Group # Group Name Meeting Day Time Description
Existing Open Groups
8 World Affairs 2nd Mon 9:30 AM Discuss world happenings
173 Lets Talk Sports 2nd Wed TBA Men
206 Topics of Interest to Women 3rd Wed 11:00 AM Discuss anything but politics
208 Grand Dame Divas 2nd Mon Noon Lunch at different restaurants
212 Influential Women 3rd Thurs 11:30 Discussion of different women
Pending New Groups
A1 Bird Watching TBD TBD Looking for different birds
A2 Men's Current Events TBD TBD Solve world problems
A3 Men's Let's Talk Sports TBD TBD Discuss, watch, lecture? Up to you!
A4 French Conversation 2nd Mon. 1:00 PM Conversation and study
A5 Zoom Around (On The Town) TBD TBD Visit places of interest on Zoom
A8 Men On the Town TBD TBD Men - visit places of interest
A14 Movie and Lunch TBD TBD Lunch and movie
A15 Autobiography TBD TBD Write your own story to share with family and friends
A16 Int/Adv MahJong TBD TBD Play Mah Jong
A18 Couples on the Town TBD TBD Couples visit various Places of Interest
A19 On The Town TBD TBD Women visit different places of interest
A20 Couples Movie Group TBD TBD Couples see movies

Are you looking to join a Study Group? Do you have a special interest that others might share? All it takes is four people to form a group. Mentors are available to get you started. All ideas are welcome. Contact Rosemary Rubin at 818-783-1364 or email:

Some Topics to Consider:
Short Stories
Classical Literature
History Book Club
Holocaust Studies

At the Dodgers
At the Dodgers

Heritage Square
Heritage Square

Running Horse studios
Running Horse studios

©2023 San Fernando Valley Chapter, Brandeis National Committee. All rights reserved.